Comunità Montana Monte Cervino - Valle d’Aosta

August 27th  – September 1th 2002


Starting from yesterday afternoon, 27 Italian Rollerski athletes are on a training session in Torgnon, Aosta. Let’s read some of the optimistic statements released by Pierluigi Papa, the team trainer.

July 27th 2002

The Italian Rollerski national team during its training session in Valle d’Aosta.

“A collective training session to refine the preparation for the world championship” this is the way Pierluigi Papa the Italian Rollerski national team trainer from Bologna defines this session, “and above all” he continues “to check the physical conditions of the leading athletes of our team”.
Actually good news comes from the return of Alberto Pertile, the man from the Asiago Plateau, who last year conquered the Rollerski world cup, while bad news comes from Vivian aDruidi, the athlete from CS Forestale, who after winning 2001 world championship has always had physical problems with her back, which are not completely solved yet.


“Surely we have big expectations” underlined Papa “both in the junior and senior categories, even if we are having some problems in the latter as far as the female group is concerned”.
In the trainer’s opinion, the un-said result which can be achieved by our national team is winning a number of medals varying from 12 to 15, making it the team to be defeated.
“Our team” highlights the trainer “is composed of athletes coming from 7 Italian regions, representing 12 sporting clubs, showing that Rollerski is really trained on all the national territory”.

The girls from the female team during a classical technique training session at the foot of Cervino Mount.


Alfio di Gregorio (left), Viviana Druidi and Alberto Pertile.

Alfio di Gregorio is once again our team leading athlete, the boy from Sicily who at 15 year moved to Bassano del Grappa (in the North of Italy) to become popular in the cross-country ski world, becoming instead a worldwide and international multi-winner on the Rollerskis.
During the training session, the athletes hosted by the Mountain Community of Cervino Mount, could check the race tracks which will host the world championship from August 27th to September 1st 2002. The experts leaded by Monica Comi, appreciated both the asphalt quality and the technical profile of the tracks which highlight the qualities of our athletes.After the training session the Italian team athletes will move to Sweden for the last race of the World Cup before the beginning of the world championship in Valle d’Aosta,. This will be their last chance to directly challenge Sweden and Germany national teams which will be Italy opponents on the Rollerskis.
