
MKPNews->Estero->Ringer Roll Coverage   
Ringer Roll Coverage

Ringer Roll Coverage

August 11, 2006 - The annual Ringer Roll rollerski race at Baker Park featured another strong turnout this year. Conditions were perfect with smooth asphalt and temperatures in the low 70s. Besides the usual large numbers from the metro area junior training programs, there were a number of collegiate and elite level skiers participating on Friday.

Danielle Berndt posted the fastest womens time sporting a pair of Skett rollerskis. The top womens Marwe time was notched by Lauren Rantala. Overall, Matt Liebsch logged the fastest time of the day at 22:03 for the 10K course on a pair of Marwe rollerskis. Andy Keller was the top junior male. Full results online now, along with 140 photos.

Photoset:  140 photos


Da staff, Giovedě, 31 Agosto 2006 14:27, Commenti(0)

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