

Kristina Smigun ha vinto ancora una volta la classica 2 giorni estone che prevedeva un prologo in pattinaggio, una gara di corsa di 6 Km ed una frazione di 12 Km con gli ski roll davanti alle 2 forti finlandesi. In campo maschile vittoria di Anders Sodergren.

12.08.2006 - The winners of Suverull 2006 are Anders Södergren and Kristina Smigun

 Saku Suverull 2006 delivered as expected – over 4000 spectators had an exceptional opportunity to watch exciting events throughout the two days of competition. The men’s and women’s competitions differed a lot. Men’s race was won by Anders Södergren of Sweden but the first seven men were separated only by 9,9 seconds. The women’s race turned out to be a significant solo-performance by homecrowd favourite Kristina Smigun.

Men’s 20 km race was an even competition from the first lap to the last. Already after 8 km the first six men, namely Vassili Rotchev (Russia), Lukas Bauer (Czech Republic), Sergei Dolidowitch (Belarus), Nikolai Pankratov (Russia), Indrek Tobreluts (Estonia) and Anders Södergen (Sweden), had formed a leading group. 4 km later they were joined by Tobias Angerer (Germany) and those seven men remained in front until the finish.

The race was decided on the steepest climb of the lap when about 1 km before the finish Södergren made a deciding push that gave him a lead of a couple of seconds. The Swede managed to hold on to it until the finish and took his second victory in Suverull. The first triumph dates back to 2004.

“I tried to keep up the tempo throughout the race to keep the leading group as small as possible. Angerer was still able to catch us, though. But in the end I had the power for the final push that gave me the victory,” said Södergren. He promised to be back next year and challenge for the third Suverull victory. “I like the competition as the numerous audience gives me so much positive emotions,” he added.

The sprint for the second place was won by last year’s overall winner Rotchev (+1,0). Third was Angerer (+2,3) who was followed by Dolidowitch (+2,5), Pankratov (+3,1), Tobreluts (+3,7) and Bauer (+9,9). “I didn’t feel too well today and when Södergen made his push I couldn’t answer. I hoped to defend my second place and in that I was successful,” said Rotchev.

Angerer was delighted with his race as well. “I had to work hard in a strong headwind for the first two and half laps when I was alone. But I don’t think that I could have beaten Södergen today anyway because he was clearly the strongest man on the startlist,” said Angerer.

Kristina Smigun and Valentina Shevchenko started only 0,7 seconds apart but already by the end of the first lap of three the gap between the first two was 25 seconds. At the end of the second lap Smigun had time to stop and address the crowd through a microphone she asked from the commentator of the competition!

During the final lap Smigun took her time to thank the crowd and at the finishline her advantage ahead of Riitta Liisa Roponen of Finland was only 6,0 seconds. Third place also went to Finland as Virpi Kuitunen finished 9,6 seconds behind Smigun.

It was Smigun’s ninth time to win Suverull and she has remained unbeaten since 2003. “During the first lap I tried to hold a normal tempo and didn’t push it to the limit but Shevchenko still fell behind,” she explained. Asked if Suverull will get its first 10-time winner in the near future, Smigun replied: “10 is a beautiful number so why not!”

Fourth place was won by Julia Tchekaleva of Russia (+18,7), fifth was Aino Kaisa Saarinen of Finland (+22,8) and sixth place went to Alena Sidko of Russia who had significantly pushed her way through the field of competitors as her start number was only 20.

12.08.2006 - Saku Suverull 2006 leaders are Vassili Rotchev ja Valentina Shevchenko

The second day of Saku Suverull 2006 began with cross-country races (women 3 km and men 6 km) that determined the gaps for the roller-skiing pursuit competition to be held in the evening (women 12 km and men 20 km). The leader among women is Valentina Shevchenko of Ukraine and men’s race was won by Vassili Rotchev (Russia).

By the end of the second 1,5 km lap of the men’s competition a group of five athletes had established a respectable lead over other competitors. Those five were Rotchev, Sergei Dolidowitsch (Belarus), Nikolai Pankratov (Russia), Anders Södergren (Sweden) and Lukas Bauer (Czech Republic). The latter had started as far back as from the 55th position.

Rotchev and Bauer soon upped the tempo and left others behind. Rotchev was sharper in the finish and edged out Bauer by 0,7 seconds. Third was Dolidowitsch 24,4 seconds behind, fourth Pankratov (+24,7) and fifth Södergren (+29,7). Best Estonian was Indrek Tobreluts who finished in sixth place (+30,0).

“I am satisfied with my performance in the running distance because Bauer is very strong in it and I managed to finish ahead of him,” said Rotchev. “I rate my chances to defend last year’s victory on 50%. It will be hard to remain in front. Competitors behind me will blend into groups that can close the gap,” added Rotchev.

Bauer was very pleased with his performance. “I started only at 55th place so I dreamed about reaching the top three. Running is my strong point but I am still suprised. I will try to hang on to Rotchev as long as I can in the evening,” said Bauer.

The winner of yesterday’s prologue Ilya Chernousov of Russia finished in 32 place (+1.59,0) but Tobias Angerer who was second yesterday managed 8th place (+46,8). Olympic champions Andrus Veerpalu (Estonia) didn’t start due to knee injury, also gold medallist in Turin Evgeny Dementiev (Russia) was a noshow as well.

Women’s race turned out to be as close as the men’s competition. Kristina Smigun (Estonia) who started in fourth place took the lead right after the start. Soon she was joined by two Ukrainian athletes Valentina Shevchenko and Lada Nesterenko. These three remained in front until the finish.

Shevchenko finished the strongest and holds a 0,7 second lead over Smigun before the roller-skiing race. Nesterenko will start third 8,0 seconds behind. “Everything looks nice at the moment, of course. But the roller-skiing will be difficult. I will try my best,” said the winner.

Eight-time winner of Suverull Kristina Smigun predicted that the roller-skiing race will turn out to be a tense competition. “Due to strong headwind in the uphill section it was difficult to run in the front,” she said.

The winner of yesterday’s prologue Pirjo Manninen (Finland) fell to 13th place (+57,1). Riitta Liisa Roponen and Aino Kaisa Saarinen, respectively second and third yesterday, managed 6th and 7th place today. Claudia Kuenzel Nystad (Germany) finished 53,9 seconds behind the winner and was 10th.

11.08.2006 - Pirjo Manninen and Ilya Chernousov winners at Suverull prologue

Saku Suverull 2006 got underway today on the roller-skiing track of Tehvandi sports centre. Both men and women competed in a 2,7 km prologue. The results of the race determine the starting positions for tomorrows running legs (6 km men and 3 km women).

Men’s prologue produced an astonishing suprise. Race was won by 20-year old Russain athlete Ilya Chernousov whose winning time was 4.24,8. “First place is a suprise for me too because it is only my first year in the national team,” said Chernousov. “I don’t rate my chances too high in tomorrow’s running leg, though,” he added.

Second place on the podium was conquered by German Tobias Angerer, winner of the prologue between 2001 and 2003. “I am very satisfied as for the past six weeks training has been haltered by an ankle injury. I will not take any risks in the running leg because of the injury but I still hope for a good result,” said Angerer who was 2,0 second slower than Chernousov.

Last year’s overall winner Vassili Rotchev (Russia) finished third 3,0 seconds behind the winner and his countryman, double olympic champion from Turin Evgeny Dementiev was fourth 3,2 seconds behind Chernousov.

Best Estonian managed 9th place. Priit Narusk, 5th overall in Suverull 2004 lost to Chernousov by 8,9 seconds. “I did my usual result meaning a place in top ten but not in top three,” he said. Anders Södergren (Sweden) managed 14th place and Estonian double olympic champion Andrus Veerpalu was 19th.

Women’s prologue turned out to be a Finnish affair as far as the podium places were concerned. The winner of Suverull in 2001 Pirjo Manninen took the win and the yellow jersey for tomorrow’s running leg by completing the race in 5.09,9. Manninen was followed by countrywomen Riitta Liisa Roponen and Aino Kaisa Saarinen who both finished 0,8 outside the winner’s time.

“Of course I went out for a good result and a win is a pleasant surprise for me. I am very satisfied,” she said. In 2001 Manninen also won the prologue and didn’t give up the yellow jersey not for a single time. She also remains positive this year. “The running leg will be definately tough but I hope to start the roller-skiing race in yellow as well.”

The eight-time winner of the Suverull Kristina Smigun managed fourth time as she was 1,3 seconds short of Manninen’s winning margin. “I had a good race but I should have taken it more calmly. Tomorrow morning I will give it all I have got,” said Smigun who has remained unbeaten since 2003.

Claudia Kuenzel Nystad (Germany) finished 15th, her countrywoman Manuela Henkel was 17th, the winner of 2002 Valentina Shevchenko 22nd and Olympic champion Evgenia Medvedeva was 28th.

09.08.2006 - Saku Suverull 2006 – stars parade will continue

Traditional international summer competition for skiers - Saku Suverull 2006 - will take place at August 11-12 in Otepää, Estonia. The start list is impressive as usual - 4 olympic champions from Torino and also 13 skiers from last olympics podium will come to Otepää. Totally skiers from 14 countries participating at the 16th edition of Saku Suverull.

The winner of Saku Suverull 2006 will be clear after three parts of competition. There will be a prologue (2.7 km roller-skiing) of the competition held at Friday evening. Saturday morning welcomes the skiers with mass start running competition (women 3 km, men 6 km) where the start position is based on the results of the prologue. The last part of the event is pursuit free technique roller-skiing competition (women 12 km, men 20 km) based on the results of the run. This kind of format has been used at Saku Suverull since 1998.

Estonian olympic champion Kristina Smigun is the home crowd favourite. Smigun has won the event 8 times. This year she must fight with Torino stars Evgenia Medvedeva, Claudia Künzel Nystad, Viola Bauer, Virpi Kuitunen, Aino Kaisa Saarinen and Alena Sidko. Excellent runner Valentina Shevchenko is also always very strong at Saku Suverull.

The men’s races have been quite open every year and this time there will be no exception. The list of Torino medalists - Andrus Veerpalu, Evgeni Dementiev, Lukas Bauer, Tobias Angerer, Mikhail Botvinov, Vassili Rotchev, Ivan Alypov, Anders Södergren, Rene Sommerfeldt and Andreas Schluetter – is imperssive. There are 10 skiers from among 12 best of Pragelato 15 km distance participating at Saku Suverull.

Usually there have been exiting bunch finish, but last year Russians Vassili Rotchev and Alexandr Legkov runned away.

Jürg Capol, the International Ski Federation's cross country race director, will also visit Saku Suverull.

1 2 Smigun Kristina EST 00:36:37,4; 2 6 Roponen Riitta Liisa FIN 00:36:43,4; 3 9 Kuitunen Virpi FIN 00:36:47,0; 4 5 Tchekaleva Julia RUS 00:36:56,1; 5 7 Saarinen Aino Kaisa FIN 00:37:01,2; 6 20 Sidko Alena RUS 00:37:09,6; 7 10 Kuenzel Nystad Claudia GER 00:37:09,9; 8 8 Artemova Irina RUS 00:37:17,4; 9 4 Buruhhina Elena RUS 00:37:18,7; 10 1 Shevchenko Valentina UKR 00:37:19,2; 11 3 Nesterenko Lada UKR 00:37:24,4; 12 13 Manninen Pirjo FIN 00:37:35,8;13 17 Matveeva Natalia RUS 00:37:36,7; 14 11 Korosteleva Natalia RUS 00:37:41,8; 15 15 Kazakul Anastasia RUS 00:37:45,2; 3 Venälainen Kati FIN 00:38:13,9; 17 22 Henkel Manuela GER 00:38:18,6; 18 18 Kolesnichenko Julia RUS 00:38:44,7; 19 12 Jaskowiec Sylwia POL 00:38:56,0; 20 24 Suija Silja EST 00:38:59,8; 21 14 Jakimchuk Vita UKR 00:39:06,4; 22 19 Bauer Viola GER 00:39:14,6; 23 21 Medvedeva Evgeniya RUS 00:39:16,0; 24 30 Antonova Elena KAZ 00:39:29,9; 25 27 Malvalehto Mona Lisa FIN 00:39:35,2; 26 29 Sirge Kaili EST 00:39:41,3; 27 32 Pormeister Piret EST 00:40:36,3; 28 26 Marek Kornelia POL 00:40:37,6; 29 28 Zotova Kristina EST 00:40:52,6; 30 25 Rohtla Laura EST 00:41:11,0; 31 31 Kalev Jaanika EST 00:41:43,3; 32 34 Saarepuu Kertu EST 00:43:00,6; 33 33 Laurson Kristel EST 00:43:25,9; 34 36 Rjabov Marit EST 00:45:48,1

Results (pdf)

Start list - Women
Start list - Men
Women 2,7 km
Men 2,7 km

Women 3 km
Men 6 km

Women 12 km
Men 20 km

Running competition for the juniors
Girls 1,5 km
Boys 3 km

Salomon Cup
Prologue 2,7 km
Salomon Cup 12 km / 8 km

Da staff, Lunedě, 14 Agosto 2006 21:41, Commenti(1)
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